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Plan your enchanting honeymoon in Georgia


An online wedding is the most affordable and practical way to tie the knot. The practice, which originated during the deadly COVID 19 pandemic, has proven to be the most effective and convenient way to marry. You certainly deserve an adventurous and memorable honeymoon journey with your sweetheart after tying the knot online. Georgia has a deep and rich history, an exceptional legacy, dynamic towns, and landscapes that span from the cold Caucasus to the balmy Black Sea shoreline (and you can actually see the mountains from the sea), via wide plains, and wineries. These are only some of the reasons for you to consider a honeymoon in Georgia.

What makes Georgia a perfect honeymoon destination?

Georgia, situated at the crossroads of Europe and Asia and one of the Silk Road destinations, mixes Western and Eastern influences, adding to its attraction. Georgian cuisine has obviously been impacted by its location at a cultural crossroads. Both invasion and trade left their marks. Modern Georgian cuisine incorporates tastes from the Mediterranean, Persian, Ottoman, Arabic, and Mongol empires.

Georgia has beautiful moderate subtropical summers when compared to the GCC. However, the most significant advantage Georgia offers is its low cost. Georgia’s currency is the Georgian Lari. A trip to Georgia will typically cost between €30 and €35 per person per day (about $36 to $42 USD).

Everything that Georgia has to offer on your honeymoon

  • Wine: According to Georgian legend, their predecessors invented wine. Georgian wine has historically been aged in buried clay jars known as kvervri. Georgian wines are typically fruity, rich, and semi-sweet due to the winemaking regions’ sunny and warm climate. Among the most prominent are the Mtsvane (dry white), Saperavi (the most popular red), Mukuzani (a dry red made from saperavi grapes), and Kindzmarauli (a dry red made from saperavi grapes) (a beautiful semi-sweet red).
  • Art & Culture: Marvel at the floating men and women, one-of-a-kind moves, and spinning dance maneuvers depicting conflict, love, and friendship—your first taste of Georgian dances! Georgian folk melodies are also quite lovely. Music may be used to tell a story. UNESCO has identified Georgian polyphonic singing as an Intangible Cultural Heritage.
  • Adventure: Georgia is the place to go if you appreciate the great outdoors and hiking. Georgia offers a diverse geography that includes deserts, beaches, and mountains despite its tiny size. Hiking and camping enthusiasts will adore this country. You may also unwind at spa resorts or visit stunning lakes, canyons, and waterfalls.

Places to visit in Georgia

Tbilisi: a city full of churches, courtyards, deteriorating balconies, and cats. Explore the historic city’s alleyways, pay a visit to the Holy Trinity Cathedral, sip wine in one of the city’s numerous wine bars, and close the day with a bath and massage at one of the Abanotubani district bathhouses.

Kutaisi: Rich in monuments, including tunnels, dinosaur footprints, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, monasteries, and a futuristic parliament building, to name a few. The city, located 230 kilometers (143 miles) from Tbilisi, serves as an excellent base for exploring the region’s cultural and natural features.

Batumi: If you are traveling in the summer, you should stop at Batumi. This central Black Sea coast city is a favorite summer destination for many Georgians and is only three hours from Kutaisi.


Georgia offers a vibrant culture to discover, as well as some of the greatest wines and architectural wonders. Georgia has it all: gorgeous vineyards, old churches, wonderful weather, and watchtowers tucked among stunning mountain landscapes. It’s ideal for a low-budget European honeymoon. You’ll be surprised at how little you have to pay for one of your most memorable moments. Our team will not only help you organize the perfect honeymoon, but we will also photograph the unique moments of love in some of the most historic sites. Additionally, we provide a well-planned private tour of a few of the interesting caves and canyons.

Interested in planning your dream honeymoon in Georgia? Contact our team now and find out more about our honeymoon packages!

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