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Requirements to Marry in Georgia for GCC Residents



In Georgia, you will only need to submit a few documents in order for your marriage license to be completed. Furthermore, there are no restrictions for interfaith or multinational couples. According to the official Georgian government website, all you need is personal documents like your passport to get your marriage license approved.


While getting married online might seem like the easier way out; this is just a myth. If you are getting married in one of the GCC countries; you still need to abide by all their laws and submit all the necessary documents. Which if you live in any of these countries might know its a lengthy process. Plus hiring lawyers to get the necessary paperwork might cost you quite a bomb

On the flipside; the travel to Georgia is less than 3 hours and you get married in Georgia it is relatively easier with a lot less paper work.


We always say; that every couple has a unique marriage case; with a few similar over lapses. With the uncertainties around us; it is quite normal to make a rash decision; how we would always suggest speaking to a wedding specialist before you decide.

Are you confused between a Georgian wedding or a simple online wedding; book a consultation with us and we’d love to help you out!

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