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How to get married in the Abu Dhabi court – Useful tips for expats


While many prefer online marriage for its ease, others believe that a physical wedding will serve them more. Abu Dhabi has risen in the ranks of the most sought-after cities for celebrations like weddings. This city is renowned for the safety it offers its residents and the amazing infrastructure are wonders to behold. So, many want to know how they can get married in the Abu Dhabi court.

Given the high level of organization by the government, it is very important that couples who want to marry in Abu Dhabi take out the time to learn about the standards for marriage. This article is aimed at helping couples have an insight into the requirements for marriage in Abu Dhabi.

Legal documents for a wedding in Abu Dhabi

When couples settle on the idea of marriage in Dubai, the next thing to do will be to note the necessary legal papers. The following documents are deemed to be very necessary for a civil marriage ceremony in Abu Dhabi:

  • The passport copies of the couple
  • Emirates ID if they live in any of the emirates
  • Birth certificates
  • Death or divorce certificates from former marriages
  • Completed marriage application forms

Civil marriage in Abu Dhabi is not like a religious marriage where the couple is required to conduct a medical screening test or even get the approval of her father before the marriage. So tourists who do not have family around now know how to get married in Abu Dhabi.

A marriage in Abu Dhabi vs Online marriage formalization

Online marriage serves its purpose for couples who prefer the option and marriage in Abu Dhabi cannot also be regarded as strenuous. If the couple gets their documents right, the marriage officials will be able to process the entire steps. However, online marriage via remote appearances offers couples the freedom to plan their wedding from any part of the world.

As listed above, the documents for marriage in Abu Dhabi are easy to get. As a matter of fact, the couple might have many of these before their marriage date. So, after they submit these to the court, they can expect to have their certificates in a day or two. Online marriage via remote appearances is also a reasonable option.

If an online wedding will be most memorable for you, consider booking a discussion with our team of wedding experts. They have the necessary blueprints that will guarantee the best results.

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