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Can you married online Canada?


Given the ongoing pandemic, online marriages is grown in popularity and legalized in several nations. Many couples who are unable to travel during these uncertain times opted to marry online and formalize their relationship.

However Canada in particular does not accept online weddings. So, if you are looking to get migrate to Canada in the near future or sponsor your spouse; getting married online might not be the best option. Read this article to find out more.

Why doesn’t Canada recognize online marriages?

Prior to 2015, marriages performed online in which one or both parties were not physically present were accepted for immigration reasons in Canada. The only requirement was that the marriage had to be legally recognized in the country where it took place.

However the Canadian government no longer recognizes the same. The decision to prohibit online marriage was made mainly to address women’s vulnerability in the immigration situation.

“Because one or both spouses are not physically present, it is more difficult to determine whether they consent to the marriage.”

Government of Canada, 2020

Exceptions to an online wedding

The Canadian government has made certain exceptions in accepting online marriages.

  • If you were legally married in a virtual setting prior to June 11, 2015
  • If you are part of the Canadian Armed Forces and meet certain criteria

Couples who do not meet the criteria above; will not be able to justify their online wedding as per the Canadian law.

In conclusion to getting married online Canada and best recommendations

To sum up, Canada does not consider an online marriage to be valid. However; if you are looking to sponsor your partner; the choices are quite limited. The best way to sponsor your partner, is to provide a legal marriage certificate.

Many countries such as Georgia, Seychelles or even UAE (for Non Muslims) offer easy wedding solutions. The documentation in these countries is relatively lesser; and its much better suited for foreigners looking to get married fast and hassle-free.

Looking to move, sponsor your partner to Canada after your wedding; book a call with our team to find out more on the legalities.

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