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Can I get married online over the next public holiday in UAE


Getting married online has massively picked up post the Covid-19 outbreak in the UAE and around the world. Accordingly to Khaleej Times, In just four months, 715 couples in the United Arab Emirates married online. And a total of 1,488 marriage contracts have been registered in Abu Dhabi.

This article, we shed light on your options of getting married online over the next public holiday in UAE.

Next public holiday in UAE

Let’s give this a quick thought. Living in Dubai is expensive; which means working professionals cannot afford to take a day off unless really required. Holidays are a blessing for those you who wish to make a few amendments or complete personal tasks. And getting married in todays scenario is one of them.

Luckily the next public holiday in UAE is a few weeks away; so you plan ahead and ensure you maximize the most from it. The official holidays in the UAE will be December 1, 2, and 3 to commemorate Commemoration Day and UAE National Day, respectively. Because December 1 falls on a Wednesday, you will get four days off over the holiday.

Getting married Online

While one might seem getting married online as a feasible option; this depends on the date availability. Booking a date online does take a few days and alternatively the process might seem a lot longer due to the involvement of lawyers for paperwork.

To know more about the actual process of getting married online; we always recommend couples to get a quick glance over the embassy information. Also; it is important to note that the entire process does take about 3-4 months for completion.

Other alternatives to getting married online over the public holiday in UAE

If you are open to other options of getting married over the public holiday in UAE; then we would advise couples for a quick getaway. Countries such as Georgia and Seychelles are open to vaccinated citizens. More its way more easier to get a date for a wedding over the holidays; and its cost effective.

The bonus of getting married in both these countries is definitely the extended holidays and honeymoon which makes it even more perfect.

If you are planning a wedding over the next public holiday in UAE; give a call to our team and find out what your options are.

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